Sunday, April 25, 2010

Slow down...look both ways!

I was stopped in church today by a woman who wanted to talk about a pet peeve.  The question was, "Where is courtesy today?  Why on earth do teenagers think they can plow through a crowd without any consideration of others?"  While standing in the foyer I witnessed exactly that.

The rules of etiquette are in place for the very reason we have traffic lights.  What would happen without them?  When we run a light, we have a wreck.  Without manners - rules to abide by, we'd BE wrecks! 

It seems there's a correlation between traffic and our behavior.  It's best to slow down and look both ways!


  1. Poor Paige. This happened to her today. I completely forgot her younger was sister was suppose to Acolyte for church this morning. So we're walking out of Sunday School and it dawns on me. I turned to Paige and said run get your sister and tell her to get downstairs to get her robe. Well she ran for me because we were close to start time and its a big church lots of ground to cover. Well a lady said something to her about running down the hall way. Paige never runs in church, but she running in her very paniced mother's place. She didn't respond to the lady. She was on a mission.
    ♥ Joy

  2. Tee-hee! Well, Joy - I have a feeling it is NOT the norm for Paige! :)


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