Friday, May 7, 2010

The First 15!

That's all we've got - 15 make a GOOD or POOR first impression!  Sure we can make amends; prove ourselves worthy after time; but I tell clients the first 15 are all-important.  Let's role-play!  You're about to enter a room filled with strangers.  Here's a helpful check-list.

The List:

  1. Command the room - with excellent posture.
  2. Name tag is placed on your right shoulder area.
  3. Be the first to extend your hand for a FIRM (web-to-web)handshake.
  4. Greet your host before attacking the buffet.
  5. Make eye contact.  Tip:  look at the person long enough to note their eye color. 
  6. Smile.  Tip:  Smiling is our best beauty tool.  And it's free!
  7. If you say their name 3 times in that first conversation; you're more apt to remember it.
  8. Ask questions.
  9. Ask (appropriate) questions - those you'd be happy to answer!
  10. Do not barge in on a conversation of two people.
  11. A group of three or more is fine to sidle up to.
  12. ...and be inclusive to someone standing on the outskirts of your group.
  13. Carry your beverage in your left hand so your RIGHT is free to shake.
  14. No matter YOUR age, respect your elders:  let them in at the front of the line, allow them the better seat; hold the door open.
  15. Be considerate in your conversation - God DID give us two ears and only one mouth...


  1. and saying "Wow, you have a lot of kids!" followed by "Are you going to have more?" is NOT on the appropriate questions list!!!!


  2. Hallelujah sister!!!! Again, with you changing the world, one buffoon at a time, there's HOPE and CHANGE....
    (the right kind of hope and change!)
    Love you for all you do! xoxox


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