Friday, May 7, 2010

Clueless About Cleavage!

And so since we're trying to make that (favorable) impression, may I suggest we think - really, think - about what we wear.  Clothes do NOT make a man or woman; but our attire is part of the overall package.

And now on to a pet peeve of mine:  EXCESS CLEAVAGE.  I promise I am not jealous.  I just think it is so inappropriate.  Women exposing themselves...

...especially at church, luncheons, meetings, day time events.  Call me (prudish) conservative - it's just not right.  Every woman likes to feel feminine yet there is a time and a place for that little black dress. 

Clothes are symbolic. They make a statement about your attitudes, status, and self-image, even if it’s not your intent. You have the right to dress any way you like. But if you defy social standards, as is your privilege, people will make judgments accordingly, as is their privilege. It’s up to you to determine whether what you wear will hurt you or help you.

(HOW RUDE! Copyright © 1997 by Alex J. Packer. Free Spirit Publishing Inc.)

I've used this quote in many a class with young students.  I do believe it's the adults that are often clueless

TIP:  before you leave, take a last look in the mirror.  IF you say to yourself:  "Self....this may be inappropriate."  That's your gut telling you to change clothes. 


  1. Hear Hear Sister. I'm with you. This direct, plain spoken instruction is much needed today.
    I am truly amazed sometimes at church what I see women wearing (or not wearing) and that's at church. And these women are the moms not the teen girls.
    Ok and don't get me started about shorts with cheer, swim or whatever written in big letters across the rearend. Nuhuh not on my watch.
    ♥ Joy

  2. Joy, I'm really glad you are ok with my plain instruction. It's the only way. I was at a ladies luncheon today and it took everything in me NOT to stare. Same at church last week. Eeeeegads.

  3. Another great post! Was just talking with a young friend about this tonight! My daughter was trying on clothes for tomorrow's chuch service and coming to me for opinions (she's going to be participating in the service on the platform). So, we lifted our arms, bent over, jumped around a little (we are charismatic!). My friend called it the Hallelujah Test. My son said, "What's that?" I said, "It's when you try on your church clothes, and practice how you worship. If anything uncovers or falls out, you change!"

  4. Oh VAVA I love this post. How many times I've wanted to say oh honey thats not really sexy. Especially when the lady is a little mature and the cleavage is wrinkled. YUCK. XOXOXO FRANCO

  5. The Hallelujah Test: LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. You are so right!!! There is a time and a place for that little black dress! I'm so over the "cougar" look with the women of my generation. What ever happened to class?

  7. Mystery works in more places than a landscape.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  8. Very good! We were at a pastor's conference this week, and there was a hostess for our dinners. She was "covered" in the cleavage area but her whole shoulder was bare; it was not a bad dress, just NOT the right place. We have to pay attention more, this does include me!


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