Monday, December 6, 2010

Emily Posts

Love this quote!  And thought it a perfect addition to my "rant" yesterday!!

“Clothes not only add to our appearance; they are our appearance. The first impression that we make upon others depends entirely upon what we wear and how we wear it… What makes a brilliant party? Clothes. Good clothes. A frumpy party is nothing more nor less than a collection of badly dressed persons.”

Emily Post on “The Clothes of a Lady,” 1922

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A MOB's Point of View

This is a rant....and I apologize if I hurt the feelings of Moms of Daughters. Ok, I want to understand.  WHY!  Why do young girls have to wear such revealing attire?  I attended a recent event.  There were 150 high school girls in attendance with their mothers.  It was a daytime, Christmas function.

I'm all about dressing up.  We ARE girls after all.  I'd venture to guess 80% were (SO!) inappropriately dressed my jaw dropped.  (But, since I know my manners they did not know my jaw dropped!).

Had I been an employer, I would not have hired oh about 130 of these young ladies.  Bosoms jiggling out of the tops of dresses, thighs exposed to who knows where, dresses so tight they looked sandblasted onto their bodies. 

Ok, I am a MOB (Mother of Boys).....but I am trying to teach young ladies on appropriate attire, how to look their best, how to interview.  What is the point?  Why do we even have the word "modesty" in our dictionary?

I do not get it.